Malibu 2001 | Summer Staff

Young Life - Malibu 2001

A Message to the Summer Staff about what to wear

What do we wear? This is a great question, and lots of you have asked the same thing. All you from Washington and Minnesota know what's up, but us from California, Texas and Georgia are used to warm weather!

The info from Mailbu says to bring enough clothing for five days of warm and four days of cold. I've never been to Malibu, but I've spent plenty of time in the Rockies. My guess is that June is still early Spring in Canada, and temps from the 30's to the 80's could be seen. It will rain for sure. And it will be cold. And it will be warm. (Hot to me is 90+ degrees.)

Bring layers... bathing suit (For the women, one-piece, please. Spare the guys... you're too cute as it is!), shirt, fleece or sweat shirt, rain jacket. Then you can take off one layer at a time and still be warm and dry. Perhaps even quick-dry pants or shorts. I find that legs dry much faster than pants, so shorts even in the rain could be a good idea. Fleece pull-overs can be had cheep at Old Navy, or expensive (and worth it) from Patagonia or Mountain Hardwear (my favorite). I'm bringing my down vest, too... cozy.

Don't forget to bring "castaway" clothing for the Tableau nights. Look like Tom Hanks (without the dirty naked chest). Torn pants, torn shirt, etc. (I rescued a pair of torn jeans from the trash for this purpose.)

Ann, you've been there. What do you think?

Less than a week!


Dear Summer Staff,

I could give you paragraphs and paragraphs about how important outfits are... skirt lenghts, color, style, matching shoes and handbags... my opinions on style are deep and wide but there just isn't enough time to go into that right now.

OK, I think everything that Berkeley thinks about stuff to wear, but would add a couple of things.

1. Don't bring too much. I can't believe I am saying this because I usually bring 6 bags plus one for shoes. However, it is only 3 weeks and it is nice not to have too much stuff to cart around. So if you are questioning it (ladies) because you think it might be cute or you just might want to wear it sometime.... leave it and go lite.

2. Dress up night. Traditionally the summer staff has a big role in dress up night. We are the hosts and hostesses that seat the kids by table at the "Club Malibu" dress up fancy dinner. It is fun to do together for kids. So bring dressy clothes. This means nice dresses or skirts or pants (nothing too revealing) and nice closed toed shoes (because we will be in the dining hall). Something that you might wear to church on a holiday. For the guys, this means a nice shirt and nice pants. Not a suit and you don't need a coat, but a tie is sometimes fun. Basically just look cute and wear something clean and look nice because I might want to take a picture of all y'all dressed up. ( I threw that Y'all in there so the folks from the South wouldn't feel marginalized.)

3. Lastly. I have to just mention the responsiblity we have as a Summer Staff to lead the camp in all ways. I am not harping on this topic and promise not to mention it again but please nothing too revealing like I said before. This includes swim suits, too short shorts or skirts or too revealing tank tops. Tank tops are ok, just be wise and appropriate about all that you wear. For the guys remember not to wear shirts with inappropriate logos or messages on them. This may be a totally unneeded message to put out, but better to say it and be clear than not, eh? The workcrew and kids and leaders that come through camp in the 3 weeks we are there will be looking up to you guys. Everything you do and say will be noticed by them. It is an awesome cool thing and it does come with responsibility. You are messengers, embassadors of Jesus to them and to each other. I can't wait to see how He will use you all.

I am totally distracted in my everyday life now just thinking about being at camp with you all. I am convinced that you are all hand picked by God to be there for a planned out purpose. That by itself is fun to think on and anticipate.

Peace and Packing,

Ann Shack

Malibu 2001 | Summer Staff