Young Life - Malibu 2001
A Message to the Summer Staff regarding travel to Vancouver
Summer Staff,
Send me your travel plans, including flight numbers and arrival times, ASAP.
We all need to be at Pacific Station, the main (only?) bus station in Vancouver, by 2:00 PM on Wednesday, June 6. From there, busses will take us to Egmont. We'll spend the night in Egmont and take the 7:00 AM ship into Malibu.
Most SS are flying into Vancouver on Wednesday morning. As we arrive, a Malibu van will take us from the airport to the bus station.
So, you've saved some bucks by flying into Seattle, but you're still four hours away from Vancouver. Wow, are you in luck! I just got off the phone with SS'er Kevin Cherrick. He lives near the SeaTac airport and has offered his home to any early Seattle arrivals and can pick up Thursday arrivals on the way to Vancouver. Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Cherrick! He will also be able to arrange for rides to Vancouver on Thursday. Contact Kevin Cherrick (see below).
Some SS are arriving a day early to the area. There is an early ship sailing from Egmont to Malibu, but I suspect that you will all want to stay for the SS/Workcrew party on Wednesday night in Egmont. If you're flying into VANCOUVER early, there is a church at which you can spend the night with the Workcrew. If you're flying into SEATTLE early, contact Kevin Cherick (see below).
St John's Shaughnessy Anglican Church
1490 Nanton Ave. (corner of Nanton and Granville)
Kevin Cherrick, currently in Florida, will be arriving home (University Place, near Tacoma) on Monday, June 4. Anyone and everyone in the Seattle is welcome to contact Kevin at form45(at) and arrange to meet up with him. This is a super generous offer, so be sure to arrange with him as soon as possible.
Again, send me your travel plans ASAP.
See you in a week,