Young Life - Malibu 2001
Some Bios
Ann Shackelton
Ann Shackelton here -- My friends call me Ann Shack... it's easier.
I've been on YL staff for 10 years in San Luis Obispo, CA. I'll do a workshop in how to pronounce San Luis Obispo during the first week of camp.
I'm a Marriage and Family counselor. Don't worry... I promise not to ask too many personal questions or relate everything back to your relationship with your mom.
I have the best dog in the world, Emma the Yellow Lab. Say nice things about dogs, especially that you like Yellow Labs, and you will be on my good side.
I started kayaking last year and love it. I especially love kayaks that can fit the dog. This is my first time being a Summer Staff Coordinator and I am psyched about that. I can't wait to get to camp, meet you guys, and see what God has for us to do.
One of my deep beliefs is that God has called every one of us to camp because he cares for us, wants to teach us and see us grow up in Him. It is gonna be a wild rich time.
Ann Shack
Berkeley Johnston
First of all (referring to the above), Ann doesn't have a bad side. And my dog is better. He's a furry-person, not a dog. It shows you how much my family is committed to Young Life that we would leave our Newf for a month. That goes for Ann, too, and probably more than one of you others. (Do you think that if I wrote a big enough check, Malibu would let me bring Dolph?)
I'm a 36-year-old computer nerd. If you ask me how to fix your computer, though, I'll probably tell you to buy a new one.
I grew up in Southern California. I became a Christian at 16 and that (it goes without saying) has largely shaped my life, along with bucking hay, irrigating fields, and cow-punching in Wyoming, where I spent my summers.
Jacquie, a Sierra Nevada native, and I both moved to SLO to attend Cal Poly where we met and married. After graduation, I began work as a draftsman, surveyor, and civil engineer before moving into the computer software industry in 1991.
I've got way too many hobbies. If you also have too many, don't visit my web site. I'm also a good writer (except that I use too many parenthetical statements), but this bio is a first draft. It will probably change significantly after Jacquie reads it.
I was involved briefly with Young Life in High School. Jacquie was active, however, for a number of years. Our connection to Young Life remained dormant despite my parent's continued involvement and our long-time friendship with the co-founders of the SLO area club. Finally we heard the call, and have been Young Life Committee Members for a couple of years.
So there.