Young Life - Malibu 2001

Check out Kevin's images!
More images from Ann, Marta and Sam!
See some images by Meredith, Jim, Jenny Lynn and Jacquie!
Or visit Kathryn's web site!

Doug and Matt: Godly leaders serving Christ

Summer Staff Memory Verses.

Just in case you've forgotten how hard we worked... here's our last week schedule.

Here are some of the people who served at Young Life Malibu Camp and their jobs.

Property Staff - Full-time staff serving a Malibu Club for the whole summer.

Assignment Team - These are the leaders of the leaders: Camp Manager, Speaker, Musician, Program, Head Leaders, Workcrew Bosses, and Summer Staff Coordinators.

Summer Staff - Experienced college-aged leaders in charge of jobs like: lifeguard, bakers, boat drivers, maintenance, housekeeping, kitchen staff, shop keepers, a blob guard, and more. Images!

Workcrew - High School students or graduates doing the tough jobs like housekeeping, waiting on tables, bussing, and the pits.

Program -

Head Leaders -

Malibu Camp web site
Friends of Malibu - Alumni Site
Young Life

Write me at berkeley(at)!

Since April 2001